Bipolar Disorder Market Analysis and Reports | UAE Conference Series

Market Analysis - Bipolar Disorder 2018

Bipolar 2018 welcomes attendees, presenters, and exhibitors from all over the world to Dubai ,UAE .We are delighted to invite you all to attend and register for the International Conference on Bipolar Disorder: Psychiatry and Mental Health  November 05-07, 2018 Abu Dhabi, UAE. The organizing committee is gearing up for an exciting and informative conference program including plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics, poster presentations and various programs for participants from all over the world. We invite you to join us at the Bipolar 2018  where you will be sure to have a meaningful experience with scholars from around the world. All the members of Bipolar Disorder: Psychiatry and Mental Health of organizing committee look forward to meet you at Abu Dhabi, UAE

For more details please visit:

Importance and Scope of International Conference on Bipolar Disorder: Psychiatry and Mental Health  disorders and many more. Psychiatric mental health is a specialized area of practice committed to promoting mental health through the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of human responses to mental health problems and psychiatric disordersPsychiatric mental health, health care profession, employs a purposeful use of self as its art and has a wide range psychosocial and neurobiological theories and research evidence as its science. Psychiatric mental health provides comprehensive, patient-centered mental health and psychiatric care and outcome evaluation in a variety of settings across the entire continuum of care. Essential components of this specialty practice include health and wellness promotion through identification of mental health issues, prevention of mental health problems and care and treatment of persons with psychiatric disorders.


On behalf of Organizing Committee we invite all the participants from all part of the world to attend the Bipolar conference 2018 entitled “Bipolar Disorder: Psychiatry and Mental Health” scheduled during November 05-07, 2018 at Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Bipolar conference 2018 is the leading conference dedicated to Psychiatrists and Psychological researchers with the theme “Innovating combats towards Psychiatry & Mental Health

Goal of Bipolar 2018  is to deliver an outstanding program for exchange of ideas and authoritative views by leading scientists which covers the entire spectrum of research in Psychiatry and Mental Health and share the cross-cultural experiences of various treatment procedures.

Many studies over the years, including reports from presidential commissions, surgeons general the Council of Graduate Medical Education, and the Institute of Medicine, attest to the dire shortage of psychiatrists relative to the almost 68% of our nation's sufferers who are deemed in need of care.

Projections from the studies mentioned above estimate a need for 30,000 by psychiatrists by 2018 but currently there are about 7000. Resulting in part from recent efforts by the American Academy ofPsychiatry we will see a modest 30% increase in the number of medical students and general psychiatry residents choosing psychiatry as a career.